We are launching our APP!

We present our APP for Android and iOS.

Your global platform for buying and selling metals on your mobile without risk. We take care of the rest.

Download our APP for free. 
And join the digital community of the recycling sector. 

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We streamline your process of buying and selling scrap and recyclable metals.
We promote sustainability and the circular economy.

With this mobile app you can create, publish, take photos of the material and upload them directly with your mobile, negotiate and close deals. We take care of the rest.

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Buy and sell scrap and metals in just a few clicks.

Search or use our filters to find advertisements and materials that interest you.

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Find the material advertisements that interest you.

You can see in the advert all the details such as photos, composition and price.

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Initiate a negotiation with the counterpart.

You can ask for details about the material and negotiate the price until you reach an agreement.

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We take care of the logistics.

We collect the material and deliver it to the buyer’s premises.

Download our APP.

And join the recycling industry’s digital community.

qrcode apple store
qrcode app play store
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