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Interviews on women in the recycling sector

Today, March 8, as we all know, is Women’s Day. From ScrapAd, we wanted to give a voice on a day like today to two women who are very present in the recycling sector, who fight every day for equality in the sector, leading ambitious projects that seek a more sustainable world and a more circular economy. They often face challenges and barriers in a traditionally male-dominated industry, and are role models for many others who are starting to embark on this world.

Discover the full interviews with these two great managers in our blog:

  1. Interview with Sandra Montes Pérez, Managing Director of Cometel and COO and founder of ScrapAd.
  2. Interview with Claudia Torres Muñiz, Aluminium Sales Manager of Operadora Gisel.

We must be part of a change, which we see getting closer and closer and in which we see more opportunities, but which still has a long way to go.

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