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Recycling sector players

In this article, from ScrapAd, an online platform for recyclable materials and scrap metal trading, we are going to explain you which are the different actors involved in the recycling sector. Stay tuned to find out everything!

Players in the recycling sector

There are four main actors in the recycling sector. All of them must also have an environmental identification number that identifies them as companies dealing with waste. We explain the activity of each of them below:

Waste producer

A waste producer is any natural or legal person who produces waste or who carries out pre-treatment operations that lead to a change in the nature or composition of the product.

There are currently two types of waste producers, hazardous waste producers and non-hazardous waste producers:

  1. For producers of hazardous waste, a licence is required regardless of the annual amount of waste they generate.
  2. For producers of non-hazardous waste, however, a licence is required as long as they generate more than 1,000 tonnes of waste per year.

On the other hand, the producer may generate both hazardous and non-hazardous waste and must therefore be licensed for both, regardless of the weight of waste generated in a year.

Waste broker

The waste broker is the natural or legal person appointed by the waste producer to organise the waste recovery or waste disposal operations. As the waste broker focuses exclusively on organising the operations, neither the ownership nor the possession of the waste is vested in the waste broker, so the responsibility for the waste remains with the waste producer, as they have the final say.

Waste dealer

A waste dealer is a person who buys and sells waste for treatment, without having to take physical possession of the waste, and therefore does not need to have a waste treatment facility.

Waste manager

Waste management is understood as the process that involves the correct treatment of waste, such as collecting, transferring and applying the necessary measures so that the waste does not pose a problem for human, animal and environmental health.

A waste manager is thus an individual or entity that has been registered and authorised to carry out the operations involved in waste management.

Waste transporter

Waste carriers are companies that transport waste on behalf of third parties, as well as companies that transport waste as part of their own activities.

How ScrapAd is involved in the recycling sector

ScrapAd is a online platform for the recycling sector for buying and selling recyclable materialsconnecting buyers and sellers from all over the world, whether they are waste producers, waste managers or foundries, for example. We make communication much easier and smoother, without the need for you to travel to the source of the material, as we have independent bodies that verify the material before loading.

With our international scrap trading platform you can open up your business market much further afield. Register for free on the platform, find the material you are interested in and negotiate the price that suits you best. We look forward to seeing you!

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