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ScrapAd closes its first €1,000,000 funding round and consolidates its expansion

In ScrapAd we are celebrating that we are consolidating a key role in the digitisation of the recycling sector by raising our first round of funding amounting to €1,000,000.

In this round we have had the confidence of highly reputable companies, together with an investment fund. That, added to the capital raised by our company, gives us a great economic strength to face an ambitious growth and expansion plan.

After maintaining an exponential growth over the last year, this round consolidates our company’s position and boosts its expansion to key countries, as well as accelerates the implementation of new and very attractive functionalities that will provide great added value to companies in the sector.

About us

ScrapAd was launched last year, revolutionising such a “traditional, local and little-digitised sector” as it is the buying and selling of waste and waste materials, opening “a window to the world, creating the best destination for any waste”, thus boosting the circular economy.

This global marketplace for the recyclable materials and scrap metal trading is based on a state-of-the-art intelligent platform, which offers a professional and secure environment to verified users in the sector, in which they easily manage ads for the purchase or sale of their materials.

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