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75,642 tonnes of aluminium packaging recycled in 2021

In 2021, Spain recycled 75,642 tonnes of aluminum packaging through different flows such as sorting plants, Solid Urban Waste plants, selective collections outside the home and waste collectors.

This figure, 56.1% of the total amount of aluminium packaging placed on the market, represents an increase of 4 points compared to the volume of packaging recovered the previous year, when the recycling rate reached 52.1%. The channel that has increased the most has been selective collections outside the home (offices, events such as concerts, festivals, etc.), with an increase of over 50%.

The number of tonnes of aluminium containers placed on the market in 2021 was 134,871, a 9% increase compared to the previous year, when it was 123,449 tonnes.

Including other recoveries in the aluminium packaging recovery data gives a total recovery rate of aluminium packaging of 57.6%.

European Directive 2018/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishes that 50% of aluminium packaging should be recycled by 2025 and 60% by 2030. Thanks to the efforts of citizens, who deposit more and more aluminium packaging in the yellow container every day, and to the optimisation of sorting plants, it has already been possible to achieve the target set for 2025.

ARPAL carries out an annual study to determine the tonnes of aluminium packaging recovered at waste management plants, which in 2021 amounted to 5,868 tonnes. The data from this study complements the data provided by ECOEMBES (aluminium packaging recovered through the yellow container, waste and composting plants and selective collections outside the home) and together they make up the publication that ARPAL publishes each year on the recycling rate of aluminium packaging. This study has the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Recovery (FER).

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