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Do you know what the waste shipment identification document (DI) is?

When buying and selling scrap metal, there are some documents that are essential to know in order to manage them correctly. In this case, we are talking about the waste shipment identification document.

What is the waste shipment identification document

The waste shipment identification document is a document that must accompany the waste during the shipment from origin to destination. The waste shipment identification document must be issued for waste that does not require prior notification. This document constitutes the accreditation of delivery to the designated facilities. In addition, it includes the obligation to issue it for shipments both within the Autonomous Community and between different communities.

Its regulation is contemplated in the new law on waste and contaminated soils 553/2020, of 2 June, in article 6.1.

Waste Identification Document or DI procedure

It imposes the obligation of its issuance by the operator upon collection of the goods at its facilities, as well as the delivery of the copy to the transporter for the identification of the waste during the shipment.

Once the waste arrives at the point of delivery, the waste manager must give the transporter a copy of the signed document showing the date of delivery of the waste and the quantity received. The facility manager then has a maximum of 30 days from receipt of the waste to send the operator the document with the date of acceptance or rejection.

Both the transporter and the managers involved in the shipment must keep a copy of the identification document signed by the consignee stating delivery and acceptance for a period of 3 years.

Rejection of the waste by the consignee

In the event of refusal by the recipient, the procedure to be followed is in accordance with Article 7 of Royal Decree 553/2020, of 2 June, which stipulates:

  • Return the waste to the place of origin accompanied by the identification document stating that the waste has been returned, or
  • Send the waste to another treatment facility. This shipment must be accompanied by a new identification document. The operator of this new shipment will be the operator of the initial shipment.

You can fill in the form for the Waste Shipment Identification Document here.

We hope you found this post clarifying some concepts about the Waste Shipment Identification Document helpful. Discover on ScrapAd, the marketplace for recyclable materials, any kind of material for buying scrap and selling scrap.

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