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How to operate with waste in the UK

Although the UK has left the EU and its regulations no longer apply, it remains a party to both the Basel Convention and the OECD, so they take as their basis everything in the Basel Convention.

Northern Ireland, with the exception of Great Britain, remains covered by the EU Waste Movement Regulation. But this does not affect its relations with the UK, as the flow of waste movements between the two parties remains as it was previously.

However, prior to the entry of BREXIT, the UK in 2013 set out a set of rules for the movement of waste, in which it established:

  • Mandatory to have a licence, which can be either a site licence or a collector’s licence, in case of trading without such a licence, penalties can be incurred.
  • Payment in cash is prohibited.
  • Obligation to keep a register, both the seller and the buyer.
  • Need to have a pollution control and prevention permit, waste manager’s licence and other licences required to store, treat, recover or dispose of scrap metal.

How to deal with waste in the UK

In accordance with the above requirements, here is a brief summary of how to import and/or export waste from the UK.

Exporting waste from the UK

We will need to differentiate the processes depending on whether the waste is green listed or subject to prior notification.

Green listed waste

  1. Verify that the waste to be exported is green listed in the receiving country.
  2. Prepare Annex VII that must accompany the waste during its movements. This document must be kept for 3 years.
  3. Drawing up a contract between the parties where the exporter undertakes that in the event that the movement cannot be completed or any irregularity is found, he will return the waste or recover it elsewhere.

Waste subject to prior notification

Steps prior to the movement of the waste:

  1. Apply for consent via the IWS (International Waste Shipments) platform.
  2. Decide how many shipments to carry out.
  3. Deposit a bond.
  4. Have a contract between the parties stating the following information:
    • Licence of the party stating that it can valorise or dispose of such goods.
    • Obligation of the seller that in case the goods cannot be treated or something illegal is found, he will be responsible for their return.
    • Obligation of the importer to dispose of or recover the waste if something illegal is found due to the importer’s fault.
    • Taking out insurance.
    • Payment of a surcharge to the environmental agency.

Once we have all the relevant documentation, we will upload it to the platform and you will have a period of 3 working days to implement the application and notify all those states through which the waste will move. A period of 30 days is given to respond to the notification.

Once the prior notification procedure has been completed, the waste may be moved within a period not exceeding 12 months, for which the following must be taken into account:

  1. That there is consent for the movement.
  2. Create a pre-notification on the IWS platform.
  3. Notify the competent authorities by means of the pre-notification 3 days before the shipment of the goods.
    • Verify that the carriers can handle this type of waste.
    • Notification document must accompany the waste on its movement.

Import of waste from the UK

The processes must be differentiated according to whether the waste in question belongs to the green list of wastes, or whether it requires prior notification.

Green list waste

  • A contract must be executed between the parties prior to shipment, where the exporter guarantees the return or recovery in case the waste cannot be accepted.
  • Verify that the companies in charge of the movement are registered.
  • Verify that the importing company has the relevant licences to carry out this movement.
  • Verify that the goods go together with ANNEX VII.

Waste subject to prior notification

  • Only those who are licensed as waste managers, dealers or transporters may receive this material. In addition the place of recovery of the waste must have permits.
  • When the competent authority of the place of dispatch indicates that the notification is complete, it will send the details to the environmental agency, with the following information:
  • Signed notification form.
    • Waste movement form.
    • Annexes as required to obtain further information on the process the waste will undergo.
    • A copy of the deposit guarantee.
    • Contract between the parties.
    • Proof that the importer has paid the relevant fees in the UK.
      • The notifier of the movement may initiate the movement when authorised by the Environment Agency and the other intermediary countries. Prior to shipment, the notifier must notify the Environment Agency of the movement 3 days before shipment.

We hope this post explaining how you can trade scrap in the UK has been helpful. If you are interested in the scrap metal trading, check out ScrapAd for a safe and easy platform to sell scrap metal or other recyclable materials.

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