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This is the industrial symbiosis

One of the many alternatives we have to reduce our impact is industrial symbiosis. This term is used in biology to describe a mutually beneficial relationship between species. 

If we transfer this mutually beneficial relationship to our production systems, industrial symbiosis is born.

What is industrial symbiosis?

Industrial symbiosis is a strategy that promotes the connection between companies through the exchange of waste between production systems: what one company considers waste, the other considers as raw material, and vice versa. Moreover, the waste exchanged can be of any kind, such as water streams, organic waste or all types of scrap metal

In some cases, it is necessary to transform the waste obtained in order to convert it into a by-product, in others, no modification or recovery is necessary and the use is direct. 

Objectives of industrial symbiosis

The main objective is environmental, which is based on the recovery of waste in the form of raw materials, increasing energy efficiency on an industrial scale and making better use of natural resources to reduce their extraction. 

As for the economic objective, the aim is to reduce input costs or make profit from waste. 

Benefits of industrial symbiosis

This is a very attractive action for companies as it brings economic, environmental and social benefits. Here are some of the benefits: 

  • Industrial symbiosis allows companies to solve inefficiencies in the treatment of resources they do not use. 
  • It helps conserve natural resources and preserve ecosystems. 
  • It also reduces the cost of raw materials and energy. 
  • It creates a new source of income from waste. 
  • It reduces waste generation as there is waste recovery. 
  • It encourages the creation of new jobs and businesses. 

How can you apply industrial symbiosis as a company?

In order for an industrial symbiosis to take place, it is recommended that there is a geographical proximity so that there are no high costs for the transport of waste.

In addition, it is recommended that the activities of both companies are complementary. This means that the waste of one can be used as raw material by the other. It is also important that there is trust and cooperation, which is why communication strategies need to be developed within and between the companies.

With ScrapAd you can also give a second life to the waste you generate and find a partner who may be interested in and use that material.

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