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These are the latest news from the ScrapAd platform

At ScrapAd we continue to improve so that you can get the most out of your business from our platform. We never stop improving and reinventing ourselves, adapting to the market and our customers to offer an easy, fast and safe way of buying and selling scrap.

For this reason, we have updated the platform by adding a series of functionalities that will make you operate with waste in a much easier and safer way than ever.

New platform features

These new features and improvements are aimed at facilitating your international sales and purchases, offering you greater flexibility in payment methods. We explain them below.

Operate in your usual currency

With this update you will be able to operate in the currency you normally work with. Post ads, trade and close trades in both Euro (EUR) and US Dollars (USD).

In addition, we incorporate a hedging service to keep your transactions protected against possible variations in exchange rates.

Flexibility in the way you pay for your purchases

We adapt to your usual way of operating to give you more control over your payments and collections. Therefore, we now offer you multiple payment methods so that you can choose the one you prefer for each of your purchases.

Financing service

We know how important liquidity is to your business. Thanks to the new update, we have included a new financing service so that you can advance the payment of your scrap sales.

By contracting this service, you will receive 80% of the amount of your sale as soon as the material is collected, regardless of the payment conditions chosen by the buyer.

Buy under the Incoterm of your choice

Establish more precisely the conditions of your international scrap purchases by indicating the Incoterm you wish to apply on each occasion.

Buy and sell scrap internationally with ScrapAd

All these improvements have been implemented to make international transactions between our customers easier and faster. In this way, we open the doors to other markets and internationalisation.

Register for free on our platform and start buying and selling recyclable materials worldwide.

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