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What is a waste management plan and how to make one?

Every company generates certain types of waste in the course of its activities, which it is essential to know how to manage so that they do not have a negative impact on our environment.

To this end, it is essential to draw up a waste management plan, with which to foresee what waste is going to be produced, what measures and what actions are to be taken in this respect.

What is a waste management plan?

This waste management plan is a document that sets out the actions, conditions, means, resources and characteristics for carrying out adequate waste treatment.

The information that this plan should contain, in general terms, is the following:

  1. Waste expected to be generated.
  1. Prevention measures.
  1. Plans of the facilities and costs foreseen for waste management.

Objectives of the management plan

In order to carry out this plan it is essential to define objectives. These should be measurable and realistic, and should provide a framework for evaluating the progress and success of the waste management plan over time. Some objectives may include:

  • Minimise the environmental impact of the project.
  • To reduce the amount of waste generated.
  • Reduce production costs.
  • Comply with regulations.

Designing the plan

Once the objectives and goals have been defined, it is time to design the plan, and the steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Identify what types of waste are generated or managed, make an estimate of the expected quantity and plan the necessary measures according to the hazard they present.
  1. Know and identify the current legal regulations at EU, national or regional level, and apply them according to the corresponding sector.
  1. Establish clear, measurable and realistic objectives for the plan.
  1. The plan must specify the place where the waste is to be stored, considering at least its type, classification and quantity, as well as coordinating how it will be removed and disposed of.
  1. Establish a system of actions to help verify the integration of the plan in the company.
  1. In addition, detailed annexes with practical and real information should be included, such as plans of the facilities, financial reports, etc.

Importance of a waste management plan

Untreated waste is an environmental problem. Citizens, governments and businesses need to act accordingly to minimise the impact of this waste.

This makes waste management an obligation rather than a necessity in order to progress towards sustainable businesses and contribute to the protection of our environment.

An opportunity for your waste with ScrapAd

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