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What is decarbonisation and how does recycling help?

Climate change and global warming have become, in recent years, a reality that we must face. Fortunately, we are beginning to be aware of this and to take action, both citizens, companies and governments. We must promote a more sustainable and circular economy, and decarbonisation is fundamental to achieve this. 

What is decarbonisation?

Decarbonisation is a process of progressively reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions are mainly carbon dioxide, a consequence of human activity and the way we produce energy, as well as other aspects of our way of life.

If we can reduce these emissions, we will be taking an important step in the fight against climate change.

How to achieve decarbonisation

In order to achieve carbon neutrality or net zero emissions, the involvement of society, governments and companies is very important. This requires both government policies to make a low-carbon economy a reality and initiatives to promote innovation and sustainable development.

Fortunately, there are many sectors from which to promote efficient decarbonisation. Among them is the recycling sector.

Efficient decarbonisation

Efficient decarbonisation is one that achieves progress towards carbon neutrality at the lowest possible cost, encouraging each end use of energy to reduce its emissions by using the most competitive alternative.

Recycling is one of the industries that helps reduce emissions into the atmosphere, and here we explain why.

How recycling helps decarbonisation

Recycling should be at the heart of Europe’s green industrial agenda, bridging the gap between the EU’s climate neutrality and circular economy policies.

For this reason, the recycling industry is fundamental to decarbonisation, as companies in the recycling sector are able to recover waste and produce recycled raw materials from waste, returning to the production cycle and saving the energy needed to extract the raw material.

At ScrapAd we make it easier for recyclers and companies in the sector to operate and be able to trade recyclable metals, thus promoting the circular economy and reducing the extraction of raw materials.

Sign up for free and find out what we can do for you.

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