Buy and sell Zinc. Buy Zinc online
Zinc (Zn) is a chemical element with atomic number 30 and located in group 12 of the periodic table of the elements. It is one of the least common metals and accounts for about 0.0075% of the earth’s crust. It is found in the form of minerals, e.g. blende (zinc sulphides), calamine (silicates) and smithsonite (carbonate).
Zinc recycling
Zinc can be recycled without losing its physical and chemical properties. Zinc can be recycled from scrap brass products, scrap from galvanising and scrap zinc parts. Zinc coated steel scrap is generally produced from scrap from manufacturing processes and scrap from obsolete products. Almost 30% of the zinc consumed is obtained from recycling and currently 90% of the metal that can be recycled is recycled.
Find out the price of zinc per tonne
Find out the zinc price per tonne according to the LME in both USD and EUR. In this section designed for professionals in the recycling sector you will be able to see the movements of scrap metal prices.

These are our zinc ads
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