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ScrapAd wins the Sustainable Business Innovation Award from El Correo and BBVA

ScrapAd, the leader platform for buying and selling scrap metal and scrap materials, has won the first prize in Sustainable Business Innovation in this second edition of the SOStenibilidad awards created by EL CORREO and BBVA as part of their joint initiative ‘A sustainable world’.

Chosen from more than 60 companies, this new award recognises the work of the entire ScrapAd team, which now has 14 members.

Iker Atxa, Director of Social Innovation General Secretariat for Social Transition and Agenda 2030 and Miren Onaindia, Professor of Ecology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV), and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Environmental Education, presented the SOStenibilidad award to ScrapAd during the event held at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

See news in El Correo

Premios SOStenibilidad El Correo y BBVA

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